Photo by Nate Edwards, Brigham Young University
Board Appreciation Award
The UPAA Board of Directors will consider nominations for an award honoring a person on your campus [non-UPAA member] who has made a significant impact on the profession of photography in service to higher education. Every so often there is an administrator or other staff person who has shown exceptional support in advancing your professional development along with improving your mental and physical work environment. As a result, you and your services become more valued to your campus community.
Chris Hughes Distinguished Service Award
Established in 1964 the Board of Directors may from time to time select any member of the Association who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors has rendered exceptional service to the Association to receive a Distinguished Service Award.
Fellow of the University Photographers' Association of America
The Board of Directors may from time to time elect any member of the Association who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, has shown distinguished ability, service to the Association, and contributions to the advancement of Photography, as a Fellow of the Association. Fellows shall have the right to place the letters FUPAA after their names for so long as they remain members.
Honor Awards - Print & Publications Competition
During the annual photographic exhibit, UPAA Honor Awards will be presented for individual photographs judged as outstanding within the defined categories of the Print and Publication Competition.
Master of the Profession
In 2011 the Board of Directors set out to recognize members for their production of consistently high-quality photography. The result of this effort lead to the creation of the Master of the Profession award. To be eligible a member must be in good standing for 10 years, have a history of quality images in UPAA competitions, and exhibit dedicated service to the organization. Current Board Members are not eligible for this award. Nominations may be submitted to the Board of Directors at any time. Each year two members may receive this award.
Mark Philbrick Photographer of the Year - POTY
This award was originally discretionary by the Board, and not presented on an annual basis in the early years.
A University Photographer of the Year Award may be presented to a UPAA member by the Association. The Photographer of the Year award is selected by the Board, after all, judging in the Annual Print Competition (APC) and the Monthly Image Competition (MIC) are complete. The APC portion of the calculation (65%) is based on each individual's number of 1st place entries, second-place entries, etc. with some value placed on the number of prints entered in a given category. (i.e. if there is a 1st place finish in a category with 200 submissions, it may be judged as being of higher value compared to a 1st place winner in a category that only had 35 submissions.) This usually becomes important in very close decisions.
The MIC portion of the calculation (35%) is based on the total score at the end of the competition.
There are other criteria based on eligibility and the quality of the body of work. The Board reserves the right to select the Photographer of the Year based on the value system and makes every effort to be fair to all entrants.
Note: Photographer of the Year has been recently sponsored by Canon. While selected by the Board, the prize of a high-end camera has been offered up by Canon.
President's Award
Established in 1965, this award was originally presented to a member for technical perfection in print processing and presentation. In 1983 it was presented for Excellence in Publications [our current Publications Award].
Now at the discretion of the President of the UPAA awards this honor for appreciation of significant service to the organization and is presented at the annual symposium. Awards presented may be given to non-members of the organization for service to the organization during the symposium, or throughout the year.
Rollin H. Barrett Award
This award is named in his memory, the first chairperson on the publicity committee and a charter member of the UPA (University Photographers' Association) as it was known as then. He died in July 1965 at the age of 71. Rollin received his education at the University of Connecticut, Cornell, and Harvard. He was a professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Massachusetts until 1956, after which he served at Amherst College as the University Photographer from that date till his death.
Established in 1965, this award is given at the discretion of the Board at the annual symposium to a member who makes significant literary contributions to The Contact Sheet in the preceding year.