An Invitation to the 2011 Symposium


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Bryce Canyon - Photo by Mark A. Philbrick/BYU

50 Years and Still Looking Good

BYU is excited to host the UPAA’s 50th Annual Technical Symposium. The UPAA has aided dedicated university photographers in the perfection of their craft for the past 50 years. Gone are the trusty old 4x5 Speed Graphics, replaced by zillion pixel chips. Gone are the Dektol stained fingers, only to be replaced by hand cramps from clicking on your mouse. Gone are the hours spent in a red light darkroom replaced by hours and hours staring at a computer screen. Gone are the good old days replaced by the great new days.

This year’s Symposium will remind us of the past while we gain great knowledge and inspiration to lead us into the future. We are planning an outstanding selection of informative and productive lectures, hands on instruction and face-to-face exchanges of experienced insight. We will feed your spirit with good food, great friends, and awe-inspiring landscapes.

One of our featured presenters will be Robert Seale, a Houston based photographer specializing in dynamic editorial, corporate and advertising portraiture. He is recognized for his lighting skills and his unique ability to coax a variety of creative concepts from a single location in a limited timeframe. Pictureline will host our group with a special presentation from a Canon Explorer of Light. We will hold the Nikon shootout at the historic pioneer village at This Is The Place Monument.

Kevin Morris, head trainer for the BYU Football Team, will run us through techniques to prevent and treat the most common injuries that we face as professional photographers. We will have three special breakfast sessions to train you how to shoot video projects with your DSLR and edit them for distribution.

In addition, we will also have sessions dealing with conflict resolution, stress management and how to maximize the value of student assistants. These will be just a few of the many topics covered at this Symposium.

Then there will be Bryce Canyon; if that doesn’t get your creative juices flowing, nothing will.

Join us as we meet on the BYU campus and at Bryce Canyon on June 20-24, 2011.


Mark A. Philbrick

BYU University Photography

Stay tuned to the UPAA Blog for information on scheduleslodging, and travel information.

Click here to register for the 2011 Symposium

If you have any questions or suggestions for the Symposium, please contact us at