2019 Annual Print Competition

This contest is now closed. You can see the winners below.
ribbon for 1st award
Matt Cashore
University of Notre Dame
Mosquito Buffet
Best in Show
Science and Research
ribbon for 1st award
Aimee Obidzinski
University of Pittsburgh
Religious Studies
1st place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 1st award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
Childs Play
1st place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 1st award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Roots of Knowledge
1st place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 1st award
Mr. Louis M Brems
The University of Florida
Style with "Grace"
1st place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 2nd award
Nancy Evelyn
University of Georgia Graduate School - retired
Pop Rock
2nd place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 2nd award
Kristen Bartlett Grace
University of Florida
Hundreds of Millions of Monarchs
2nd place
Science and Research
ribbon for 2nd award
Ken Bennett
Wake Forest University
Tennis Champs
2nd place
Photo Essay
ribbon for 2nd award
Matt Cashore
University of Notre Dame
2nd place
News and College Life
ribbon for 2nd award
Steven Bridges
University of Tennessee
2nd place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 3rd award
Darren Van Dyke
Virginia Tech
Cream and Sugar
3rd place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 3rd award
Chris Gannon
Iowa State University
Flood Rescue
3rd place
News and College Life
ribbon for 3rd award
Darren Van Dyke
Virginia Tech
Plant Forward
3rd place
Photo Essay
ribbon for 3rd award
Jaren Wilkey
Brigham Young University
3rd place
Science and Research
ribbon for 4th award
Chris Gannon
Iowa State University
4th place
News and College Life
ribbon for 4th award
Joseph Howell
Joe Howell Photography
Swimming Profile
4th place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 4th award
Jaren Wilkey
Brigham Young University
Moroni's Leap
4th place
Sports Action
ribbon for 4th award
Scott A Kissell
Miami University of Ohio
Opening Minds with Art
4th place
Photo Essay
ribbon for 4th award
Jaren Wilkey
Brigham Young University
4th place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 5th award
Snow Portrait
5th place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 5th award
Derek Addison Eckenroth
Bob Jones University
Grave Diggers
5th place
News and College Life
ribbon for 5th award
Sarah Ritter
Western Illinois University
Rock Hanson statue with fireworks
5th place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 5th award
Steven Bridges
University of Tennessee
90 and Happy
5th place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 1st award
Joseph Howell
Joe Howell Photography
Critical Care Research
1st place
Science and Research
ribbon for 1st award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
Broken Neck
1st place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 1st award
Steven Bridges
University of Tennessee
Mother Hen
1st place
News and College Life
ribbon for 1st award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
Steeplechase at 1/40th
1st place
Sports Action
ribbon for 1st award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Sandhurst Competition
1st place
Photo Essay
ribbon for 2nd award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
2nd place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 2nd award
Derek Addison Eckenroth
Bob Jones University
Lightning On Front Campus
2nd place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 2nd award
Joseph Howell
Joe Howell Photography
Pitching Machine
2nd place
Sports Action
ribbon for 2nd award
Madeline Mortensen
Brigham Young University
2nd place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 3rd award
Matt Cashore
University of Notre Dame
3rd place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 3rd award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Take Down Victory
3rd place
Sports Action
ribbon for 3rd award
Joseph Howell
Joe Howell Photography
Swim Team Promo
3rd place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 3rd award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Shadow Dance
3rd place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 3rd award
Chris Gannon
Iowa State University
Zebra Researcher
3rd place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 4th award
Matthew Stamey
Santa Fe College
Look at all the data
4th place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 4th award
Jump Shot
4th place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 4th award
Glenn Carpenter
Moraine Valley Community College
4th place
Science and Research
ribbon for 4th award
Matt Cashore
University of Notre Dame
4th place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 5th award
Matt Cashore
University of Notre Dame
5th place
Sports Action
ribbon for 5th award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Pregame Huddle
5th place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 5th award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
5th place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 5th award
Susan McSpadden
Johnson County Community College
Astronomy Student in the Lab
5th place
Science and Research
ribbon for 5th award
Shannah Montgomery
University of Georgia
Growing A Children's Garden
5th place
Photo Essay