2017 September Monthly Image Competition

This contest is now closed. You can see the winners below.
ribbon for 1st award
Joseph Howell
Joe Howell Photography
Human Motion for Power
Best in Show
Science and Research
ribbon for 1st award
Adam Glanzman
Northeastern University
1st place
News and College Life
ribbon for 1st award
Brian Ray
University of Iowa
Storm Clouds
1st place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 1st award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
Chemistry for Dummies
1st place
Science and Research
ribbon for 1st award
University of Iowa
Sculpture Interior
1st place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 2nd award
Campus Run!
2nd place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 2nd award
Jaren Wilkey
Brigham Young University
2nd place
Sports Action
ribbon for 2nd award
Adam Glanzman
Northeastern University
Professor Portrait
2nd place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 2nd award
Lonnie Timmons III
Coastal Carolina University
2nd place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 3rd award
John Griffin
Stony Brook University
DBS Surgery
3rd place
Science and Research
ribbon for 3rd award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Tie Down
3rd place
Sports Action
ribbon for 3rd award
Dustin Michelson
Emporia State University
Hornet Football
3rd place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 3rd award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
Supercomputer Staff
3rd place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 4th award
John Russell
Vanderbilt University
4th place
News and College Life
ribbon for 4th award
Jaren Wilkey
Brigham Young University
4th place
Sports Action
ribbon for 4th award
University of Iowa
Analytical Crime Deterrence Program
4th place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 4th award
Joseph Howell
Joe Howell Photography
Football Promo
4th place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 5th award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Bull Ride
5th place
Sports Action
ribbon for 5th award
Daniel Dubois
Vanderbilt University
Benson Hall
5th place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 5th award
Matthew Modoono
Northeastern University
Daniel McCarthy portrait
5th place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 5th award
Matthew Modoono
Northeastern University
Robot proof
5th place
Science and Research
ribbon for 1st award
Joseph Howell
Joe Howell Photography
1st place
Sports Action
ribbon for 1st award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
President of Math
1st place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 1st award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
Let it Rain
1st place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 1st award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
1st place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 2nd award
Steven Bridges
University of Tennessee
Red in the Morning
2nd place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 2nd award
Derek Addison Eckenroth
Bob Jones University
Heavenly Choir Director
2nd place
News and College Life
ribbon for 2nd award
University of Iowa
Flying X-Outs
2nd place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 2nd award
Adam Glanzman
Northeastern University
2nd place
Science and Research
ribbon for 3rd award
John Russell
Vanderbilt University
Class of 2021
3rd place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 3rd award
Matt Cashore
University of Notre Dame
3rd place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 3rd award
Gregory Urquiaga
University of California, Davis
To Aggie Stadium
3rd place
News and College Life
ribbon for 3rd award
Tim Schoon
University of Iowa
Diamond Ring
3rd place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 4th award
Matthew Modoono
Northeastern University
Molly Callahan portrait
4th place
People and Portraits
ribbon for 4th award
Matt Cashore
University of Notre Dame
Summer Storm
4th place
Campus Environment
ribbon for 4th award
Peter Henshaw
Northeastern State University
Stardust selfie
4th place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 4th award
Amanda J Pitts
Amanda Pitts Photography
Fishing Team
4th place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 4th award
Lonnie Timmons III
Coastal Carolina University
Chemistry Professor
4th place
Science and Research
ribbon for 5th award
Evan Cantwell
George Mason University
Milky Way
5th place
Personal Vision
ribbon for 5th award
Nate Edwards
Brigham Young University
Directing the School of Music
5th place
General Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 5th award
Justin Hayworth
Grinnell College
Going through the motion golf
5th place
Sport Features and Illustrations
ribbon for 5th award
Jay Drowns
Utah Valley University
Love Loud Crowd
5th place
News and College Life