Text and photos by Nate Edwards/BYU
I have been asked on many occasions how I edit my photos and what my process is. We felt like it was a good idea to make a video that will walk you through four different editing scenarios in order to share some tips and tricks that I have learned over the years to help my photos come alive.

Above: An image before and after editing.
With my background in visual art, I feel I have learned how to be the director of my images - not only when I take the photo, but also in post processing.
As the photographer, you are the director of your image.

A split screen of another image before and after.
You are responsible for and have the opportunity to guide people to see what you want them to see through your use of the tools of color, composition, tonal value and cropping. It is also important to eliminate the things that are distracting in your image that take away from the message or idea that you are trying to communicate.

Watch Nate Edwards edit four of his images in this video
"Why did the cowboy get a Dachshund? Because he always said he'd get a long little doggie." Got a story for the blog? Got a joke? Send to editor Matt Cashore, mcashore@nd.edu.