Enter the competition by accessing the contest via your member dashboard on the UPAA website. A JPG or PDF of the entry is required when entering the competition. If it is a multi-page publication, a JPG or PDF of the cover is sufficient. Awards are presented for the best use of photography in university/college publications.
- Each college/university is allowed one entry per category.
- An entry may be a single publication or a series of 2 to 3 publications.
- Specialty Books may not be entered as a series.
- Multiple publications designed to work as a campaign can be as a single entry. Keep in mind that just because there are three pieces in a campaign, it doesn't mean you must submit all three. One publication in the group can negatively affect the whole entry. If the pieces were not designed to work together or do not look like they belong together, do not submit them as a series.
- All publications must include photographs created by a UPAA member.
- Members do not need to attend the symposium to enter.
- Marketing, communications, and design professionals at the hosting institution will judge the Publications Competition. The Board of Directors will review the decisions made by the judges.
- An identification form must be completed and attached to each publication submitted. The entrant decides the category, but the judges have the final say on the applicability of the category.
- Awards will be first, second, and third place with two honorable mentions. If, however, there are not enough entrants or the submissions do not meet standards, the board may decide to give fewer awards.
- The person submitting the entries must be a UPAA member in good standing. Entries must be published within the previous 18 months. Entries may only be entered once. The exception to this rule is the Specialty Books category as previously noted.
- Point of clarification on the Publication competition: It has always been expected that there could be two or more photographers represented in a brochure or publication. For this reason, the award is given to the college/university. Any member can enter a publication that includes the member's photos. There will be one citation to the college/university. You should list all participating members on the identification form that is attached to the publication. Remember this category is judged on the quality of photography and how it works within the design, not the overall design.
Identification Form
A complete identification form must be securely attached to the front of each publication. We are not responsible for category placement of entries if for any reason they have lost their identification form. The purpose and the audience of the publication are necessary for judging.
- General Publications
This category includes brochures, catalogs, alumni magazines, etc. - Poster
- Viewbook
A viewbook is a publication for general distribution to prospective students or others asking for information about your school at no cost to them. If it remains an integral part of a campaign and could be included in either the General Publications category as part of a multi-piece entry or in the Viewbook category or in both categories. - Publication Covers
This category is for publication covers that utilize photographs. Each cover must be marked as part of this category. Covers do not have to be mounted. - Printed Advertisement
Entry may be a tear sheet from an advertisement or a photograph of a large ad such as a billboard, scorer’s table, or vehicle wrap. - Specialty Books (commonly called coffee table books)
A specialty book is usually a hardbound book sold or given to interested parties, containing information not normally used to convince prospective students to attend your school. This category could also include history, campus scenes, or student works that the photographer used their skills to illustrate. Because of the limited number of books entered in the Specialty Books category, the judges will wait until an adequate number has accumulated before judging.
Example: If one book is received for judging this year, we will wait until next year to judge. If only one more arrives in the next year, we will wait another year until there is a minimum number of four books. If the entrant does not want to leave the book with the committee, they can resubmit it the following year (the entry fee will be waived for the second year). A second book can also be submitted the following year, as long as the total is only one per year.
Entry Fee
Each publication or group of publications requires an entry fee of $15
You can make payment online after you complete the entry process either by credit card, debit card, or check.
If paying by check, send checks to the address on the invoice.
Entries must be received by: May 1, 2024
Contact info for mailing submissions:
Niki Tengan
BYU Brand & Creative
218 University Press Building
Provo, Utah 84602